But, one of the fabulous perks of others reading about what I write means that I often get the chance to sample some pretty cool family-oriented things and tell you about them.
One such opportunity was presented when an AMAZING box of books appeared at my door, waiting to be opened and perused. Being in the classroom for as many years as I have, I am very familiar with the impressive quality and content in National Geographic books. In fact, my classroom libraries (and now, Luke's personal library) have always been filled with some really rich and interesting Nat Geo books I've bought through the years.
I was super, super excited to see what Luke thought, though cool as they were, I had to wrestle a few away from daddy first!
Most of the books I received for sampling are a bit older than Luke's age range, but that did not stop my little bookworm from digging right in. "Mama, can I look at that squirrel book?" (what he called the book about Meerkats) and "Ooooh, look, Mama! Donees!" (what he said about the picture of a donut on the First Big Book of Why book) came peppered at me as he grabbed the books with the zeal that does a teacher's/Mama's heart proud.
After I read him the Meerkats book and we talked about them (and how they are NOT squirrels), Daddy got back in the picture and he and Luke looked through the First Big Book of Why. It is a REALLY cool book. Big, bright colors and short enough little excerpts that allow a Mama or a Daddy to offer as a piece of information to a little guy or gal and a great talking point for older kids.
John said, "This book is really cool because it has stuff Luke and I can talk about," and I agreed.
Luke also really dug the Everything Pets book and I nearly teared up as he opened one of the first pages and began, "Once upon a time, there was a kitty cat who needed his Mama."
Speaking of tender-heart...there were two books that tugged at mine. As a dog lover, the Devoted book just made me give the pups some extra loving, and reminded me how much more enriched my life has been with dogs in it. The Mother's Love book...true stories about moms in the animal kingdom? Yeah. Do.not.read.unless.you.have.tissues.and.want.to.learn.about.the.sweetest.mothers.on.the.planet. Seriously, again, though a bit older for Luke, this book is a coffee-table/stocking-stuffer kind of book that I think every mother on this planet can appreciate and relate to. Just really touching.
One of the things found in the Mother's Love book...so, so, so, so true. |
From a teacher perspective, I had no idea that Nat Geo even had something like the Funny Fill-In book (a mad-libs type book that is sure to inspire even the most reluctant writer to forage into descriptive words and writing) or the Just Joking book. I can, without question guarantee that the joke book will be a hit with elementary/early middle school kids everywhere. This is the type of book that all the kids fight over when it is free reading time, and then beg you to take home for the afternoon because they want to keep reading it. I cannot wait until Luke is a bit older and we can share jokes like in this adorable book!
The best thing about buying National Geographic books is that profits from sales help go into conservation, exploration, research and education programs. Pretty much a win-win. Even better, if you check them out at ngbooks.org/momsmeet, you can find these and lots more on sale for 30% off! (Seriously, they are sooooooo reasonably priced! Hellooooo, holiday shopping!) Best yet, because they were such awesome books, I am giving one of the books away—simply enter the rafflecopter and if you win, you will get to choose between Best Friends Forever (cute early chapter book about animal friends) or the Funny Fill-In book. Win-win-win!

*** I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meetsm program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meetsm blogger, I agreed to use this product and postmy opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC. or the manufacturer of the product.***