
Thursday, August 22, 2013

To His Teacher...

Dear Teacher,

Please let me preface this letter by telling you I am not THAT mom.

I know, I know…it seems like I am because school hasn’t even started and you are getting a letter from me.  It might appear that I have issues with separation and letting go.

I admit.  I do.

But I will try my best to not let them interfere with the work you plan to do with him this year.

Here’s the mom I am

I’m the mom who spent over a decade trying to become a parent.  I’ve wanted a house full of children my entire life, but you may know how some of the best plans fall short.

I’m the mom who buried her first son on a cold December day four years ago.

I’m the mom who lost her third son last year while he was still growing inside of me.

I’m the mom who falls on her knees every morning and every night thanking God
with all I have that He gave me the privilege of raising this child, Samuel Luke.

I’m the mom whose life is nothing like I ever believed it would be, but still, am blessed beyond measure and grateful, grateful, grateful.

I’m the mom who is also a teacher, and understands how hard it can be for us to separate professional and personal.  I promise, I believe wholeheartedly you have nothing but my son’s best interest at heart and will not take anything you say or do personally.  We may disagree but I want you to know that I would not leave my most precious gift on this earth with you if I didn’t trust you. 

So please understand if I hug him a little tighter in the mornings before I leave him.  Give me some grace if I cry at silly things because they are so priceless to me.  Allow me to be as active and involved as I can so that I can support you and support him, knowing that I am trying my best to not be overbearing.

Know that I pray each morning I leave him with you.  I pray for you to have a joyful day and I pray for him to learn and grow and become the person God has destined him to be.  Know that I love him with every fiber of my being and still, don’t want to treat him as he is above reproach simply because he lives.  When I begged God for this child, I promised as Hannah did…that I’d give him to and raise him for the Lord.  I hope with all my heart you will spend this year helping me in that endeavor.
Count on me for anything I can do to make this year a wonderful one for you, Luke and me…and thank you.

With warmest wishes for an amazing year,
Luke's Mama


  1. beautifully said :)


  2. Wow, so beautiful! I love your heart and the way you share it!

  3. This is my sons first year of preschool. I'm all nerves and mushiness, but he's fine. :) I will pray for both our sons to be men of God.

  4. Beautifully written. I have never really thought about what kind of parent I would be to the teacher of my child. This is beautiful.

  5. This is so the letter I would write as a Mama to my first born son we buried after two days and our daughter we lost at 8 weeks----I wish the current day care teachers at school why I crush him when I see him at the end of the day and that while even though that place is perfect for him I still get teary eyed dropping my 2.5 year old off in the morning. On those tear filled days I am filled with joy for the baby boy I leave in thier care but my heart longs for the two children that might have been there with him too.
