
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Little Moments....Big Memories

My days are so busy. busy.

That's a good thing...makes the time go by at an insane speed.

But it makes me even more grateful for every little moment.  They are my big, forever memories...

Like trying to get him to put these cowboy duds on so Grandma can see the fruits of her labor!  He is really not into dress-up.  At all.  Poor Grandma, God love her, keeps trying.  He was kind enough to oblige this day.  Delicious!
I only had to bribe him with one candy heart to get this outfit on!  Grandma's cowboy! (He sure has roped Mama's Heart!)

We've been able to see Daddy on Facetime fairly often.  I am so grateful for technology today.  I remember deployments where I was SO excited if I got a letter—and that it was the number I was waiting for!  In those good old days, letters were numbered so when they came in the mail out of order, you could organize them and make sense of them.  Yes.  I am VERY grateful for today's technology!

Daddy makes him LAUGH!

And laugh....
And on another day....laugh again!!!!
 Therapy is definitely helping!  He still has quite the sideways bite (and adorable smile that goes with that!) and some muscle weakness in his jaw, but each day that improves.  More, he's becoming less and less apprehensive about trying something new.  Still won't eat it, but to even TRY it is a big deal.  As he does this, his palate will expand.  Plus, Mama is getting good at figuring out how to relieve his anxiety over the food.  So his mother's child.

Hallelujah!  He is eating a bit better...though all the quesadilla on the plate overwhelmed him.  One bite at a time, with fruit bites in between...and he FINISHED LUNCH!

Good gracious...John always gives Luke baths.  I used to be SO glad it was 'his' job because it gave me a break.  Usually to take care of dinner dishes...but still, a break.  I know why John took that job, though!  It is a lot of fun.  Luke loves it, and I love it with him!
Our favorite time of day!  BATH!  Daddy wants me to get that hair cut again...I guess I should...

I have been so overwhelmed with all the thoughtful texts and emails and packages we've gotten.  Little reminders that people are thinking about and praying for us all.  Grateful.
Sweet, sweet friends sending us love and prayers and never forgetting any of my sweet boys!

WOOOHOO!!! Eastern North Carolina got snow!  It actually was not too shabby in the accumulation department.  He went crazy!  He was so excited and wanted to go out immediately.  I loved watching his joy and his excitement.  Pure bliss!
SNOW! Yum!
 I love this picture!  It's so goofy.  (Much like him!) But mostly, I love those little teeth.  Yes, the dentist told us to start saving for braces because he has a bit of an overbite, but oh...those sweet little teeth.  Daddy affectionately calls them his Chiclets and they make me SMILE!
Silly boy...tired of pictures!
We made cookies for Daddy.  Didn't even have to bribe him with candy to put on his cooking set!  No, no...he just wanted to play with the paring knife.  Oy.
Seriously.  What joy in my heart physically looks like.

Putting the butter in cookies for Daddy!
I love his little hand behind my back.  He's starting to pat my back when I hold or hug him.  MELT.MY.HEART!

Rare picture of us both...
 I had to beg, borrow and steal my way into getting him to try icing.  Once he did, though....WOW.  He loved it!!!!
Icing...ok...not bad!

Truly, one of my greatest blessings is bringing him into bed with me and snuggling and cuddling and laughing and reading books and watching Me Mouse or Chuggington for a little treat.  We miss Daddy, alright...but his side of the bed is definitely getting its fair share of filling with this sweet thing.
Mama makes me laugh and laugh!
 This boy is too much.  He stayed up for nearly 2 hours reading.  READING.  Babbling, haha.  He is just like me.  I'd hover around my nightlight until ALL hours of the night reading.  I was (and still am) such a bookworm.  He's working his way there too!
Carbon Copy of his Mama.
 In he is reading his new dinosaur book.  He said, "Dinosaur, dinosaur, dinosaur, dinosaur, dinosaur," with inflection as if those were really the words!  The teacher in me is THRILLED with those pre-reading skills, but the Mama in me thinks it was the cutest.thing.ever.  Also, when I put this new shirt on him, I said, "Look...a baby dinosaur and a Daddy dinosaur!"  He said, very concerned, "Mommy????"

That boy LOVES ME!
But he sure is cool like Daddy!
 Goofy, goofy boy.  Made this at school.  I love all the things he does there!
Hello, Mr. President?
 The time flies.  For real.  Savoring every.single.second!


  1. Lori... it's so great to see how beautiful your baby Luke is. Still following you =)

  2. He is just too cute for words!! Sounds like your days are definitely busy!

  3. I just found your blog, and wanted to say how amazing your strength is. Your boys are beautiful and I wanted to tell you that my heart has both rejoiced and hurt with you tonight. May God bless you all beyond measure!
