
Friday, December 7, 2012


It is no secret that I am blessed with some amazing, talented and generous friends.

I mean, REALLY talented and REALLY generous and REALLY amazing.

So, I am super excited to have another giveaway from my friend Karie at Two Kwik Quilters.  She has designed and custom makes the most ADORABLE things and she has generously offered to giveaway a custom apron and hat set!

Now, I'll be honest, Luke pretty much gives me flack on putting just about anything on him and God help if I entertain the thought of a hat (without a mega-bribe of TWO skittles!).  That said, I know this phase will not last forever, and I'll be doing all I can to entice him to wear this set because it is SO flipping cute!  He loves dinosaurs ("Rawwwrrr") and he loves snakes ("ssssss") even if snakes make his Mama's heart fall to her toes.  He played with the set for a good while, but the hat?  Yeah, well, the following is the best I could get!
Yes, this cost me two skittles AND a piece of candy cane, but SOOOO cute!
The adorable reverse side!

The entry chances are below and hopefully pretty easy (first time using Rafflecopter!).  Karie can do all sorts of stuff.  Today she told me that she did one that was more 'girly' on one side and 'boyish' on the other so when mom was cooking with one child for special time together, they could choose the appropriate side!  Brilliant!  I hope that whoever wins sends me a picture of their cutie wearing the set!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love this! My son Jack would like it and I would love to get one for a friend as a gift!

  2. I am so excited that you shared this!! Gianni loves to cook with me, and we all have aprons but him. I have been searching for a cute one for him...the hat is like an added bonus:)

  3. My son doesn't actually like to cook with me, but he loves to play chef with his play food and wear costumes for dress-up. I saw this on her fb and thought it would be perfect for him. Here's hoping!

  4. Omg that is THE cutest set ever!!!!!!!! Adrian is like Luke and not even TWO skittles would get him to wear a hat I love that HE loves the craving food you had when you were preg w him :). Good luck to everyone!! I want to win this though ;-) lol

  5. SOOO cute!!! Love it! I can't wait until Hattie is big enough to help me cook!!
