
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Baby, Happy Mommy!

You know the old adage, "If mama isn't happy, nobody is happy!"?

In our house, as long as Luke is happy, we're happy.

Which means we are pretty happy most of the time!

He is just such a happy boy. 99% of the time, he is smiling. When he wakes up (on his own, not me waking him because he is napping too long or needs to eat), he smiles. Big, huge, toothless grins that make me melt. Even when I wake him up, he may give a pout or two (which is adorable!) but then he's right back to smiling the sweetest little smile! He loves people; he smiles at just about everyone he comes across and he is such a talker! He coos and coos and is just delicious! I love the special smiles he gives to me...they are priceless.

The only time I can pretty much count on fussy is when he is tired (he is VERY good at giving me the cues!) or the occasional diaper change. He is such a joy.

He is definitely finding his voice and I love it! He has this little semi-demanding sound he makes that is quite dramatic. The best part of it though is that it's totally fake, and easy to tell as such because he'll sort of stop and assess what I am doing as he's making the noise. If things are going his way (feeding, being picked up, me waving my hair at him to make him laugh, etc.) he stops. If he thinks they may go his way, he slows down. If they aren't happening, he keeps going, all the while checking me to see what I am doing. The other night, he shrieked (with joy; he was laughing and cooing and having a great time!) and the shriek surprised him. John and I laughed hysterically and he did it again because of our laughing. It was the cutest thing!

He is CONSTANTLY moving! Those little arms and legs move and move and MOVE. Even in his sleep, he moves. He is just like his daddy. Ever sat with someone who could NOT stop their knee from bobbing up and down while sitting? Yeah, that's Luke's daddy, BIG TIME! I think Luke is getting it honestly! It's fun during the day, but not at night when I want him to settle into sleep!

He's sleeping more unswaddled and though that makes it difficult for him to settle down, it's necessary so he can get more used to it. Many, many, many times I'll hear the monitor go off and look and see a sweet baby boy flailing on his side! It's only a matter of time that he goes all the way over to the tummy. Mommy probably has been holding him back from that happening a bit because if I am honest, when he is up, I am either holding him and smooching all over him or he's in his bouncy so I can take pictures. He HATES tummy time, so I have been an indulgent mommy and not forced it as much as I probably should. Nor have I let him lay on his playmat and hang out as much as I should because I just want to hold him and cuddle him and play with him. So, I'm working on giving him more independent time and hoping he'll start to reach for more things and turn a bit more. He's incredibly strong, so I am not as worried as I was before about him turning; now I just have to encourage it more.

Sigh. They grow up so fast.

Today we had a really unique opportunity. Several weeks ago, a representative from Shady Grove called and asked if we would be interested in attending the open house of their new office in Waldorf. Dr. K. told this person about us and she thought we'd be great examples of 'hope'. Well, we certainly were honored, and said we'd love to. Not too long after that, this same kind lady called us and asked if we'd be interested in being interviewed for a local news station (ABC Channel 2 out of Baltimore) for National Infertility Awareness Week (which is next week, btw.) Again, we were honored, and said we'd be glad to.

Today was the day. Luke did fabulously. He wowed everyone and we got to visit with all of our sweet, sweet friends at Shady Grove. Apparently, now the interview is going to be sometime in May, a stand-alone piece about our 'story', and we just are flabbergasted that we'd even be considered for something like that.

That said, I have to say that my boy was just adorable, adorable, adorable and of COURSE, stole the show with how sweet he was. Most of his cooing and smiling and just plain old precious-ness was off-camera, but that was ok...we really were just enjoying being there with Dr. K and just looking back on the last two years. Tears were shed, my sweet Matthew was remembered, and I was asked what gave me the strength to try again after he died.

Though I didn't do it the justice I'd have liked, I first and foremost said, "I have a strong faith in God."

I hope that, if nothing else, comes through.

It will air in May, and we are pretty excited. Humbled, but excited!

We also got to see Dr. Sweeney and brought him some red velvet cupcakes (with the real cream cheese icing, of course!). I will really, really, really miss visiting the people who have taken such amazing care of us when we are in North Carolina.

Luckily, one of my sweet NC friends told me that she'd take good care of me (and Luke). How blessed to know we are loved there as well!

We saw the Easter Bunny today too! Luke seemed to be sort of blase about it...the Easter Bunny looked a little drunk. Guess it's good that Luke was sort of indifferent! I'll scan the picture in's been a loooooong day!

Luke's starting to really use his hands to manipulate things. John said that twice today he saw him actually maneuver to get his froggy paci in his mouth, and though I think daddy may be a *tad* bit generous in the credit he gives Luke, I agree that he's doing that a bit more and more. He's still not really reaching for things, but again, I think that may be because he is handed everything...I need to really give him more independence, I guess. I just love him so.

I bought organic vegetables and rice to prepare for the first foods we will introduce in a couple of weeks. 15 weeks means we are close to that, and though I am sad we are already here, I am excited about making his food and seeing how he does. Dr. Sheth said not to introduce any vegetables until 6 months, but fruits and rice cereal are ok. He suggested apples, pears, bananas and plums. So, mommy will be grinding brown rice for cereal (I'm going hard core!) and pureeing fruits. Hope he likes them! Dr. Sheth also said his growth was fine, though he said it like this, "Don't you worry ONE bit that he's still small! He's fine!"

Well, I wasn't worried BEFORE he said that!!!!!

He's sleeping ok...we average 4-6 hour stretches between feeds, and that's pretty decent I guess. He is a light sleeper--he wakes up nearly like clockwork about every 45 minutes. He quickly (for the most part) settles himself and goes right back to sleep, but MOMMY doesn't! I wake up each time and so while he may be getting decent sleep...I'm still struggling.

I'll take it. Any day. And thank God for it.

Here are some pictures of my sweet boy from this week:

He never just sleeps on my chest. I love this! He had gotten a vaccination, poor boy. He did great though!

"I sure wish they'd let me stay in the bath forever!"

One bright future!!!!

"We LOVE Miss Amy....

...but I'm gonna have to really start thinking about these hats!"
I just love this boy!!!

Miss Amy ROCKS!

So, lemme get this straight...mommy and daddy did WHAT??? You did WHAT??? Maybe I should wait until I am a bit older for this conversation!!!!

Flirting up a STORM with Melody!!!!


  1. You go girl!! Cereal is the one thing I'm not making myself. Luke is handsome as ever!!!

  2. Oh wow! Congrats on those honors!!

    I was asked yesterday by this woman Hope where I did find out I was pregnant with Sadie, and where she also counseled me after losing Naomi, she asked me if I wanted to be part of their thing next year since Sadie was a "Hope" baby. And I will be able to tell my story for others to see and hear. I was blessed and said yes of course!

    Wow! Go mama for making his foods! I wish I can do that, BUT, I dont have the money to be doing it :( since living at home, otherwise I would. GO mama!

    Sadie moves alot in her sleep and I always think she needs to be fed, but oops, I guess not. She is just a stirir, and now readign that Luke does it, I see its normal! ha. but I am same with you, I dont get the sleep either, I also awaken RIGHT away and just watch her to see what shes doing.

    Bless you! Love the pictures of him!

    Funny, Sadie does this thing now, after she eats her cereal or baby food, she makes this odd noise, and kidna clenches her fist, I have to video tape it next time and show you! its too funny! I had my mom watch her do it this morning. Oh our babies are precious!

  3. Lori - do you mind doing a post on making your own rice cereal or posting a link? I'm very interested in doing this myself.


  4. He is just too cute. I love looking at his expression in each picture:)

  5. He is beyond adorable!!! I love all of his pictures! Your lucky he is always so happy. Carter is still a bit fussy! :)

  6. He just gets cuter and cuter and I would love to see the special yall were in! Cute cute cute, no wonder you can't put him down!

  7. I wish I could see it when it airs! Do you think it might be online?

  8. I love that bunny hat!!!

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