
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Whooooooo's 11 Weeks??


I know, I know...I'm biased. I AM his mother, after all. It's like law or something that I think he is the cutest little thing going right now.

But seriously, isn't he?

I love this little boy so much. My days are more and more just consumed with loving on him. When he is up, nothing else gets done or even close to having attention paid. Dishes sit, laundry waits (well, except for his diapers and his clothes!), floors remain un-vacummed for days (which is SO NOT ME!) and we just cuddle. And snuggle. And I hug him and kiss him and tickle him and make myself silly making him laugh and taking picture after picture after picture.

It's truly a great life. I thought about that yesterday--just how sweet my days are--filled with nothing but Luke and loving it and being SO, SO thankful that John has a job that allows me to do that.

I have to remember that, on those days that the Marine Corps just makes NO sense to me and in its infinite wisdom, moves us, deploys him and leaves John yet again missing out on who knows how much of his son's life?

I happens ALL THE TIME. Of course it does. Millions of men and women sacrifice their family time for the welfare of our country...and miss out on lots of life of their children.

I just feel like John has already lost a lifetime with one son. I hate the thought of him missing a single second of his other son's life.

And yet, John is getting more and more psyched to move. He's ready to get back into the fleet and remind himself of what Marines do--Marines out of the testing community, that is. He's ready.

So we will be too.

In any event, as I said, I am grateful, grateful, grateful for a good job that my husband loves and allows me to spend every second with Luke. Oorah it is.

I weighed Luke this morning and he was 10 lbs., 12 oz., in a clean diaper, which is how we weigh him at the doctor's. In pictures, you can see his little baby belly getting bigger, and he actually has some chub on his thighs (not much, but still!), elbows and a sweet double chin! His cheeks are getting down-right jowl-like and he is precious beyond precious when he smiles with a big grin! Breastfeeding is easier still, though we have our moments where he fights. I think between the reflux and my flow, he just has to wave off some. That's ok, that it's easier makes all the difference in the world and I'm glad I stuck it out past those first few weeks. Still won't lie and say that I wasn't a teeny bit jealous when a FB friend was ordered by her doctor to exclusively pump (can't remember the reason) for her daughter...I secretly (or not so, since I am typing it!) think I would love it if the doctor ordered that for me! I guess it's all about permission, huh?

He is SO strong! He stands up on us all the time and he is getting such great control of his neck! He really is more like a baby and less a newborn. He's starting to reach out for things that catch his fancy and is such a happy, happy boy. Well, except for when we change his diaper or take him out of the bathtub! He LOVES his bath so much that he HATES getting out! We have been working on sleeping unswaddled--and he doesn't do too horribly at night. It takes him a bit to settle, but he's not really fussy as he does, and then he's pretty good about going to sleep unswaddled. He's not as great at taking naps unswaddled, though, which I think is interesting in that he knows the difference between naps and nighttime. So, if need be, I revert to swaddling for naps.

I think we are working a bit on some day-night confusion. He still will only go about 3, maybe 3 and a half hours between feeds in the evenings, but during the day, if we are out and about, he'll stay in his car seat for a good 5 hours sometimes (once or twice, even longer!) and not make a peep--for diaper, paci or food! So, I am going to try and switch those 4-5 hour blocks he'll do during the day (if I let him) to the night. I am waking him up after 2 hours if the nap lasts longer, and stuffing food down him like there is no tomorrow so he'll have less need at night. Hopefully, as he gets a bit heavier, the nighttime stretches will lengthen as well. Any suggestions are welcome!

I thought he was teething, and he still may be, but I'm pretty sure it's not. I posted on Facebook about it and my friend Jeanne told me about these things called Bohn's Nodules and that's what it seems like he has--one of those. We'll of course keep an eye on it!

Here are a few pictures of my sweet boy. I just love him so much. I love that he's so dependent on me and that he knows I love him. I love that I can settle him like no one else can and that he gives me sweet little looks that are only for me. I love how he wraps my finger in his little hand and how he makes these soft, sweet little noises when I cuddle him. I just love him.

And wish with all my heart, every day, that I was able to share this kind of relationship with my Matthew. It's so precious with Luke--and every day, I feel more and more that he TOTALLY knows my world is built around him.

I pray my Matthew knew that I loved him that much.
That I still love him that much.

Here are some pictures from the week:

Luke's St. Patty's Day Photo Shoot

Look at the difference between natural light and flash!

What're you lookin' at?????

My daddy's buying me a pony? Awesome!

Sweet smiles for Miss Ann!


  1. He is precious! I miss my living children being babies to cuddle with so 2 1/2 yr old little man still has some chub and lets me hold him etc and i soak it up when he is still enough to hug and kiss and hold!! Every phase is a blast! My little boy began walking at 9 1/2 months! they just grow up so so fast! Isn't being a mama just so incredible????? It redefines sweetness! And yes, i believe our children in heaven really do know how crazy we are about them...and i also believe we will get those sweet moments with them in eternity-that God will allow us to know and experience them at every phase we have missed and will continue to miss here on earth. I believe God is that good and that tender towards mamas and their babies. Hugs to you!

  2. His expressions are priceless and those eyes are just too adorable!!! I love your updates and love the happiness that this post exudes!! Love you three!!

  3. He is truly just precious Lori!!!! And yes I see his little chubby areas:) Enjoy every second because good grief they grow so fast!!

  4. Love, Love, Love the new pics! He is the most adorable little guy! Time to visit before he gets too much bigger!

  5. Oh my goodness, he is too cute! I love the owl hat!

  6. Somebody used Creative Memories Simply Beautiful papers.... ;)

  7. OH my Goodness, Lori! He is THE most precious thing!! I think he gets more adorable every time you post pictures!! Love you guys!

  8. I discovered your blog tonight about an hour ago, and I have raed the entire thing. I just wanna say I was having such a bad day- family problems, friend problems, just being a teenager in general- and you have given me so much... hope. I cried, I still am.
    So thanks, thanks for sharing your story.

  9. You have made one of the cutest kid's ever. I know my children will agree with me!

    And Mama I am loving this boys hat's!

  10. He really is adorable! :)

  11. Hmm, I wonder if Liam has Bohn's nodules instead of a tooth, too!! But I don't know if that would explain the fussiness.

    Luke sure is a cutie!!! He and Liam are some of the cutest boys out there, for sure!

  12. I love how you describe Luke as "waving off" on breastfeeding. LOL! Sometimes us aviation wives put pilot terms into our everyday language... I think John has described our kids "waving off" on things before too :D.

    Luke is adorable. I wish that the military didn't move us apart right after our sweet boys were born. It would be fun to have play dates together.

    Also, fwiw, C has trouble being un-swaddled during naps too. We aren't swaddling him though because he has turned into a tummy sleeper (we put him down on his back but he ALWAYS goes to his tummy) and I want him to have his arms to protect his face. For us it has meant making SURE C goes down for naps before he is exhausted. Because if he gets over-tired he can't seem to control his arms and he just startles himself awake over and over.. Miserable.

    Miss you! xoxo

  13. He is darn cute!!! I love all the photos.

  14. Just love his tummy rolls !Love the way his eyes speak too !! He is just precious! Enjoy !!!

  15. Luke just has the cutest collection of hats ever! He's really filling out. And of course you can't be bothered to vacuum when there's such a cutie to cuddle.
