
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Be A Blessing...

It's that time of year, right? Everyone is happy and jolly...says, "Sure...I'll donate a dollar to whatever charity the store of your choice is touting," and feels good about doing so. We can dig a bit deeper into our pocket and not cringe when we see that red Salvation Army bucket because it IS Christmas, after all, and if you are ever going to give a few bucks, now is the time, isn't it? We see the Toys For Tots (SUPER WORTHY, by the way, and I'm not biased at all by being a Marine spouse!) boxes overflowing with the kindness and generosity of people who just can't imagine little ones not having something to squeal with glee over at Christmas.

So the bigger question is whether we can be that kind and generous with children across the world? Children who squeal with glee over FOOD. Food, people. Children who regularly frequent dumps for nutrition and clothing and shelter and children who languish in orphanages because they are stuck in such political tugs of war that they can't even be adopted, though they have so many people who would love nothing more than to give them forever homes.

It's no secret that Kyrgyzstan is close to our hearts...and has been for several years now. When I hear the song, "Love Them Like Jesus" (which I really can't listen to, if I am honest, because it still makes me break out in tears), I think of all the people we have been blessed with this year...all the people who have held our hands and cried with us and shared our heartache and joy and every emotion that we didn't imagine could even exist.

"The gifts lie in wait, in a room painted blue
Little blessing from Heaven would be there soon
Hope fades in the night, blue skies turn to grey
As the little one slips away

You’re holding their hand, you’re straining for words
You’re trying to make sense of it all
They’re desperate for hope, darkness clouding their view
They’re looking to you

Just love them like Jesus, carry them to Him
His yoke is easy, His burden is light
You don’t need the answers to all of life’s questions
Just know that He loves them and stay by their side
Love them like Jesus"

I ask of you to love these little boys and girls in Kyrgyzstan. So many always ask what they can they can help us or if we need anything. We are so abundantly blessed. The reality is that there really isn't much that we need. Or that can be done that eases the heartache of missing our Matthew.

But there are those who DO need. I may not be able to give my Matthew the Christmas I dreamed of giving, but I can help give those sweet children the gift of hope and knowing they are precious.

And so can you. Seriously...$5 makes SUCH A DIFFERENCE to a child.

This link will take you to John's site where you can donate. I didn't realize there were only 4 days left!!! If I am honest, I thought the challenge was that if the goal was raised, the person WOULDN'T get a pie in the face, and if I am REALLY honest, if the goal is achieved, I *may* play the pregnancy card and beg for a pardon this year! When you click on the US Donate button, it will go to Paypal and allow you to denote in the messages "I'd like to throw a pie at: " and you would enter my name. But honestly, I don't really care for the credit or not...I care about whether or not they meet the challenge...and those little boys and girls are fed and clothed and for even just one day, KNOW they are loved like Jesus loves them.


  1. This is an excellent opportunity -- thank you for showing it to us.

  2. Awesome! We get paid tomorrow and I'll make it a priority. We have been sponsoring kids overseas for a while and some places are so corrupt that we have to send gifts (even letters) directly to them through missionaries who are visiting because if you mail it the govornment keeps it! SO messed up! I'm so glad you posted this.

  3. Oh, that song! *tear* Payday is tomorrow and I would love to make a donation (if I remember b/c I'm terrible at remembering to do things that are out of my routine! Lord help me remember!)

  4. Thank you for "speaking" for these little ones. It just breaks my heart to pieces.

  5. This is why I love the holidays, it is the season of giving and putting others before yourself. What better way to do that then to donate money to people that are less fortunate than us! Thank you so much for posting a link to donate money to a great cause. I think that is great and that more people should do something along those lines because it brings more realization that other people throughout the world are far worse off at the moment and they need our help.

    I really enjoyed this entry!
