
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weekly Visits Rock!

Last week, I told John that with things going as well as they were, I sort of felt guilty about moving to the weekly ultrasound visits because really, they were just more for my peace of mind. Of course, I then got over that guilt pretty quickly, because my peace of mind is priceless (and rare) these days.

So, I was VERY glad that I already had an appointment scheduled for this week. Though Dr. Sweeney just told us to come in whenever we could yesterday (I know his office staff must cringe when patients walk in and go, "Dr. Sweeney said to come whenever....") because our appointment was actually supposed to be Monday, I called to get a time frame and hopefully help their scheduling out some. Luke moved around all day, so I wasn't too worried, but was curious about the kidney issue and his growth.

He looks great. Still refuses to take that little hand away from his face, but other than that, a couple of sweet pictures--especially of him smiling and his sweet (big!) feet! The sono tech at the hospital measured and found him to be 2 lbs., 14 oz (which put him in the 12th% for growth and about 5/6 days behind gestational age) but John said that she wasn't quite as accurate as our friends (who do that all day long) and he'd guess it was closer to 3 lbs., 4 oz., because those measurements could be as much as 200 grams off. Only John would be able to do that conversion all right there.

Suzanne measured him at 3 lbs., 6 oz., which would TOTALLY confirm he was probably 3 lbs., 4 oz. on Sunday because they tend to gain about an ounce or so a day....he was in the 54th%tile, same as last week, and just perfect. Yawning, moving all over, just very content and happy. Dr. Sweeney looked at his kidney and his left one is enlarged some, but is considered mild pelviectasis and he's not a bit worried. My worry is that Luke has a UTI and we wouldn't really know until he was born and they could do a test, but he doesn't think that's it at all...more reflux if anything, and it is very common in boys. So, Matthew's was hiding and Luke's is bulging a bit. My boys.

As I said, though, no one's worried. Dr. Sweeney had noted that one was larger than the other, but always within common/normal limits and now we'll just keep a good eye on it for the next several weeks until he's born. If it gets bigger, or doesn't change, after he's born, we'll take him to a pediatric urologist. Funny...I had researched those for Matthew. We'll be fine.

I have remained pretty steady with weight-- 116-117ish. No swelling, which makes such a difference. Sleeping in 1-2 hour chunks, so getting up with Luke should be par for the course by the time he gets here. I've had a pretty icky sore throat for a few days, and originally thought it was from the ball and just talking too loud over the insanely loud music they were playing. Nope, it's still here. Still sore. Really sore. And strep is going around. I have not found a primary care doctor since I switched to Tricare Standard, so I'll probably end up having to go to Urgent Care today. Hooray.

Nothing else, really....see Dr. Shonekan tomorrow (now that Dr. Sweeney is weekly, every other week I'll have two doctors in one week. As much as a pain as my insurance can be, what would I do without it?!) and then Luke's shower is in a week and a half. I'm very excited to see people and for people to 'see' Luke. I'm going to post the sweet little invite and if you can read it and are in the area, would love to see you. We have been very, very blessed with such wonderful support and compassion in the last year and just want to be able to celebrate God's amazing grace.

Here are some pics of we get closer, we're losing room in there, so not as many as great pictures, but I love the sweet feet and him smiling!!!

Soooooo tired of all these pictures.....wonder what they'll be doing when I'm BORN!

Profile...lots of mom and dad and big brother!

He has a BLAST using those sweet feet to kick my right side!

Dr. Sweeney's SO good at getting smile shots!

Here are some Luke stats for Week 30:

Week Thirty: Baby puts on pounds

You are 30 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 28 weeks)
  • Baby measurements are 16 inches and weighs about 3 pounds.
  • Length is 40cm and your baby's weight is 1.4 kilograms.
  • The head is almost 3.5 inches (8cm) in diameter.
  • The feet are nearly 2.5 inches (6cm) long.
  • The wrinkled skin is becoming smoother now.
  • In boys, the testicles have moved down to the groin.
  • The baby controls its own body temperature.
30 weeksFor several months, the umbilical cord has been the baby's lifeline to the mother. Nourishment is transferred from the mothers blood, through the placenta, and into the umbilical cord to the fetus. Their bone marrow is now responsible for red cell production. These red blood cells will continue to service your child's body by transporting oxygen and removing the wastes. Your baby begins storing iron, calcium and phosphorus.

The fetus now weighs about 3 pounds (1.4kg). He or she will gain about half a pound a week until week 38. Baby is getting fatter and beginning to control its own body temperature. Baby continues to put on fat stores and the major weight gains will occur in the coming weeks. Eyebrows and eyelashes are fully developed, and hair on the head is getting thicker. Head and body are now proportioned like a newborn.

Hands are now fully formed and fingernails are growing. Can be seen on ultrasound scans grasping their other hand or feet, this is helping with nerve development. Eyelids are opening and closing, and will often make rapid eye movements - a sign they could be dreaming.

You may be starting to experience some swelling of your ankles and legs. If you have not experienced any swelling yet, it is highly probable that you will, as approximately 40 to 75 percent of women experience mild swelling related to pregnancy.

Your uterus is now about 4 inches (10cm) above your bellybutton. It may feel like you are running out of room as your uterus grows up under your ribs. However, your fetus, placenta and uterus will continue to get larger, you still have 10 weeks to go. The average weight gain during pregnancy is 25 to 35 pounds (11.5 to 16kg). About half of this weight is concentrated in the growth of the uterus, the placenta, the baby and in the volume of amniotic fluid. At this point, you should be gaining about a pound (500 grams) a week.


  1. I'm so glad everything is looking good! I had a very brief kidney scare at my appointment too, but I think it's all ok - at least my peri promises it is. But it's so hard not to worry, isn't it?!?

    Yay for weekly ultrasounds! I'm a little jealous! ;)

  2. The joy in your 'voice' is wonderful!! I am so happy that Luke & Mommy are doing well!! Have a wonderful time at your shower!

  3. Continuing to be grateful for good reports! And don't feel guilty about those weekly looks, just know that everyone who doesn't get them is jealous! :)

    Lots of love!

  4. I am so jealous of your ultrasounds! :) I have not had one since week 18 and I am almost 30 weeks. Luke is so adorable and oh my gosh, those feet are precious!!

  5. This is just an EXCELLENT update on Luke! Love that he's doing so well and that the little concerns fall within normal parameters.

  6. Those lips are to die for! Oh. My. Goodness! He's gonna get used to kisses pretty quickly, I have a feeling. ;)

  7. :) So glad that everything looks okay! He is just precious... and looks like his mommy!

  8. Lori,
    So excited for you and glad to hear that everything is going well. I think about and pray for your family often... always remembering Matthew and petitioning for protection for you and Luke. Also praying for comfort for your family with the upcoming holidays. I know it is difficult.

  9. Oh my goodness Lori I could just kiss those little/big feet... Poor baby I don't think he knows how much those little kicking feet are going to get when he comes :-)

    Yay! for 3lbs 6oz he is a nice size bundle of joy.

    I just love how he keeps that little hand at his face.
    Isiah alway kept his hands to his face in my womb and he still sleeps that way at age 2. Also I use to play How Great is our God to him and he would calm down in my womb and when he was born I played that song everyday and it was amazing at how calm he would be. when we was able to turn his head he would look in the direction of the song and still now that is his all time favorite song. Anytime he gets scared or sad he says "rate God mommy rate God" and I'll play or sing his song.

    I can't wait to read all the update post about Luke when he is born and how he reacts to the songs you played for him while in your womb.

    I am so happy that he is doing great. Please tell him for me that "I love him, and that I said hi sweet little guy".

  10. So glad that you and Luke are doing well. I love his pictures, adorable!

  11. I LOVE all of these pictures :) He is adorable!

  12. I can't wait to softly pinch his cheeks.
    I'll get a chance, right in front of you,LOL:-)
    I've now embarrassed myAngelz if they ever read this.
    I always softly pinched their bottom cheeky cheeks and face cheeky cheeks as babies.

    I would always say "out loud" after a diaper change "smooth as a baby's hiney".
    Megz always played little mommy and help me w/our nightly routine.
    She would use the same words I use after changing Calz diaper.
    "ALL done and Smooth as a as a baby's bottom"!

    One night. Meg asked me if I always said that to her as a baby? YES, ABSOLUTELY sweetpea, I sure did!
    Then a pause for a moment, she asked if she could give me pinch like I did w/both of them?
    My reply was...Nada, nope, not on this mama SweetPea, as I'm picking up Calz from the changing table to go rock her.
    Chuckling, I told Megz.. mommy's bottoms are no longer smooth after having giving birth. TMI Lori, I know,I tell the truth at the time(hence the words 'at the time')mine wasn't
    I also told M to ask "any" mommy -->we knew<-- and they'll agree(I hope).
    We went on with our night.

    Next day! Pre-K PICK UP(First Baptist church) with Meg. Mrs. Talie her pre-K teacher came up to me(Meg was still at her table)trying to hold a straight face in the hallway.
    She grabbed my hand and while trying to hold her laughter in and get the story out. She said Megz asked her if she could pinch her.. as in PINCH Mrs. T's "HINEY"?
    She asked Meg why do you ask sweetheart?
    Meg replied, My mom told me to ask every MOMMY(wrong,lol) and I just wanted to see how many mommy's hineys are not smooth after having babies.

    Mrs. Talie said she couldn't hold her composure, and with all the years of teaching and thinking she heard it all. She knew there's always going to be another one soon after the last one and Meg'z was it. Her classroom assisant who was in tears with laughter along with all the ither kids laughing out loud.
    Meg os still waiting for a answer, finally after regaining computure and finding the proper words. She assured Meg that your mommy is correct if that what she said about herself<--.:P
    No need to proove it, mom's know best AND God is amazing when he made Mom's/

    To this day, Mrs. Talie emails me and notes at the bottom.

    "SMOOTH AS A BABY'S HINEY" or sends me a URLs to cute pics of babies!!

    How in the world did I get on this story? OK...yes. Luke and his cute cheeky chubby cheeks(face cheeks).
    Love, Love his cheeky cheecks.

    I'm amazed with the new 3D images nowadays Lori.

    We're very happy everything is OK, amd his kidney is going to be fine.

    I have a lot of BLOG catching up to do here. WOW, where have I been. Yes, playing life,

    I tweeked my already bad right knee, this is a great way to catch up. My knee is up on a pillow and I'm milking this. No school today kids, time to take care of mom and member our take several moments out of day today to remember our vets..

    ~Love u sweetie~...LOL!!

  13. What a cutie! So glad you're able to see him every week now so you can hopefully enjoy these last few weeks knowing he is doing well!

  14. So glad things are going well! Hope you feel better soon!!!

    LOVE the pictures of Luke!!!
    Can't wait to see pics of him on the outside :)

    Heather (heathershope - HP)

  15. gorgeous, just beautiful -- looking forward to photos from "the other side" too :)

  16. Just blogging around this morning and found your blog. I love reading all the different blogs, they are all so different and unique. Isn't it just a miracle the technology they have today, where we can see a baby smile in the uterus. Good luck with little Luke and thank you for letting me visit.

  17. I love that you get so many awesome pics of Luke! He'll have a whole scrapbook just of US photos!!

  18. So glad things are looking so good! Your piece of mind is the most important right now. He looks so cute in those 4d pics. My doc doesn't have a 4d machine =( I think I will go pay extra to have some done in a few weeks.

  19. I just want you to know that:
    1. yay!
    2. you are beautiful
    3. I love your long comments on my blog
    4. I am always remembering your Matthew
    5. I can't wait to meet Luke!
