
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dear Precious Little One....

Mommy's been busy. I'll tell you more about it later, when I have more energy and time, but I could not let this day end without letting you know what an amazing daddy you have. I used to tell Matthew all the time, and honestly, once Matthew could hear our voices, I have no doubt that he (literally) leaped for joy when he heard your daddy read to him. He'd bounce and kick and a few times, he'd even kick right at daddy's ear or mouth (if he talked really close to my tummy) and it would just make daddy giggle.

Your daddy was very, very excited about your brother coming into our world and I'm only half joking when I say that if he could have carried Matthew, he would have.

You should know that your daddy already loves you very much and is so, so hopeful to meet you and hold you and raise you. If you are a girl, he wants you to have a destination wedding. If you are a boy, he wants you to find a girl who wants to have a destination wedding.

That's how far he's planning for you. Heck, he's even planning how things will be when you have a little boy or girl of your own.

Your daddy is desperate for you to come home, and so am I. Every morning, the first thing I do is thank God for a new day and beg Him to keep you safe and alive. Before I go to sleep, the last thing I do is thank God for another day and beg Him to keep you safe and alive.

So does your daddy.

Your daddy will do whatever he can possibly do to make sure you never suffer or hurt. He will cheer you on in your every endeavor and he will read to you and tickle you and teach you how to fish and how to talk mommy into more ice cream. He will be your biggest champion and he will also be your softest touch when you want something.

He would give his life for you.

And if it is within his power, you will never be alone at your weakest. He will hold you in his arms until your dying breath, if he can and the situation arises. He's already shown the strength of his love for his children with your brother, and you are no less precious and loved in his eyes.

You are his new hope and you are his prayer for restored joy answered.

You are a very, very lucky little boy or girl to have a man as wonderful as daddy to be your daddy, and though today was a very hard day because we missed your brother, we are so grateful that on a special day like Father's Day, you were with us and give us hope for new days.

Your daddy loves you more than you can possibly imagine, and so do I. I can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Much Love,


  1. Lori - This made me tear up. Was thinking about you and John today. XOXO, J

  2. Beautiful. Just beautiful. And as always when you write of John, I have a different sense of heartache. Prayers continue for comfort, peace, strength, and joy.

  3. What a beautiful letter to your little one. When he or she is our age it will be a treasure! You are giving one of the greatest gifts to your children, a piece of your heart written out. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Happy Fathers Day to Mathew and Miney's daddy!! Beautiful words, beautiful dad:)

  5. Oh Lori, how sweet. Miney is very lucky indeed to have such wonderful, loving parents. HUGS xxxxx

  6. So, so sweet! I have tears... xo

  7. This just brought tears to my eyes Lori. You have the greatest of husbands and he is and will always be a great daddy.

  8. (((dear friend))), the tears are pouring as I read your letter to your sweet little one.

    Thank you for sharing this!

    Hugs to you!

    Heather (heathershope - HP)

  9. This is so precious. Happy Father's Day to John! What a dear husband and father he is!! Love you, Lori! Missed you at the Bible study!!

  10. Matthew and Miney are very lucky to have such a wonderful father. Your husband is an amazing father!

  11. You are so gifted with writing. What a treasure for John and your children!
