
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A slight change and the winner....

Today is officially the halfway point of the pregnancy. It seems like it has flown by, but then again, it seems like the next 20 weeks are going to drag! John decided that he liked the Ahoy, Mate bedding (glad we saw it in person, we'd have never known) because he has liked the deep blue color since we started looking, loves the little monkey and hey--who can resist baby bedding that has Fudgie the Whale? (Maybe just a Northern Virginia commercial staple, but we sure did love the early Carvel ice cream cake commercials where "Fudgie" was featured!)

Because he chose that bedding, we decided that it would look better with the darker bedding furniture (and frankly, I think I liked the darker just a hair better anyway) so he called Baby2Teen (great store, ask for Suzy if you are in the NOVA or Fredericksburg area) and she was coincidentally processing our order as he called. "Perfect timing," he said!

I'm also going to go give acupuncture a try today. My back has really just been *uncomfortable* and I'm not sleeping or doing much that I want to do. I have PT tomorrow, so hopefully something will come of it. I'm a bit apprehensive about the acupuncture, but I know people SWEAR by it, so I won't down it 'til I've tried it.
I cleaned out the baby's room on Saturday, so all traces of baby girl are gone and the stockpile for baby boy has begun! It's definitely a lot harder to find cute boy things that daddy doesn't feel are too 'sissy' but they are out there, so I press on! Until then, here's the final choices for the bedding and the furniture.
Same crib, different finish--Java

Tuscan dresser by Pali, Java

Ahoy, Mate! (I LOVE that monkey!!)


  1. Very cute bedding choice. I love the window treatment in the picture with it, too.

  2. I've always like the naval colors from Pottery Barn Kids, and this is just so cute. I really like that you went with the darker furniture too. It's getting exciting!

  3. I like the darker color bed better too!! I like Monkeys a lot (Curious George!!). Ellie has a Build A Bear Monkey we call Mona. I can't wait to see the actual room with the pretties in it.

  4. It looks like it will be a marvelous room. My sister did dark furniture with a blue room for her son (Noah's Ark theme) and it was a very handsome color combo.

    Perhaps you are looking for all new layette items, but I do have quite a bit of gently used, adorable boy outfits, including Gymboree. Now that we are requesting a girl for our next adoption, I was going to take them to consignment this summer. If you have any interest, just email.

  5. I think these are the perfect choices for Matthew's new room. Adorable! And, speaking of...your new blog header is too. I always read you in my reader and rarely come to the site. But, today, I am glad I did.

    Also, your comments on my site always make me smile. Thank you friend. But, John riding!?!? How did I not know this? We will have to discuss this in detail the next time we are together. Maybe we need to start planning a reunion for next summer...

  6. Hey thre! Love the crib and bedding set. So sweet. We used light wood fro Grace Anne and then dark wood for Rebecca. I love them both! Grace Anne is 6 and still in hers...well not the crib, but using it as the head and foot board of her current full sized bed. Rebecca will transition in a year or so...great choices!
