
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Some catch-up...

Well, another school year has come and gone, and all-in-all, I'll count this one as a good one. There were absolutely some very trying times, but I can honestly say that was all about the ADULTS and not the kids! This year's group of little ones were really a very sweet and magical group, and frankly, I hate passing them on to next year. If I wasn't having a baby, I'd have begged to loop up with them next year.

However...since I am...I'll let them go and bid them the best. I always say that it's even better after I'm not the teacher because then I just get to be the family friend.

I finished the course of antibiotics, but still sound like I am a 5-pack-a-day smoker. If I still sound like this in a week, I guess I'll go back. I have to say that for the most part, I've been pretty healthy this pregnancy and I'm glad for that. In fact, that's pretty unusual for me.
At the last appointment, I compared weights from last month to this month and had lost a pound. Who said 2nd trimester was better? Anywhooo, in the last 11 days, I've found weight! I've gained about 5-6 pounds and am DEFINITELY showing. Pictures prove that!
This was June 9...I'm pretty surprised at the stomach (and the girls!) as you can see by my expression.

It's been a VERY busy week...Monday was the last day for teachers, and clean-up time. After school that afternoon, I took a trip with John to Philadelphia. That may not have been the wisest thing for him to do--bring me--in light of the fact that he lives like a king on his business trips. Now I know, and there's no sympathy! We got back late Tuesday night and I turned around and drove down to Myrtle Beach to meet my dear friends from North Carolina--we taught together for years, and were amazed to realize we'd been friends for 9 years! It was wonderful weather, and even more wonderful company, and I was reminded just how much I LOVE the beach and was born for the ocean.

I drove back on Friday, and mom came out for the weekend for her birthday and brunch for Father's Day. I've spent the weekend rotating between chores and gaining weight and am pretty much looking forward to having tomorrow with no agenda. As I say that, I have a million things on the agenda, but knowing that what I don't get done tomorrow can go toward the next day is a very nice feeling!

A couple of pictures...

Okay, baby is being hidden here...this was the four of us at breakfast one day. I LOVE those girls!
Umm...ya think I'm pregnant? Yes, that's a maternity suit and yes, it's getting too small. Already!


  1. I've been waiting for an update! You don't know how happy it makes me to see your belly pictures! You are such a cute pregnant woman. I miss & love you so much, girl!!!

  2. Look how darn cute you are!!!!
    Yay for the update!!!

  3. I've been concerned and wondering where you were!!! You are way too TINY to be pregnant. I looked like a beached whale. I'm so glad things are going well for you!!!

  4. You look fabulous!! I know you may not have wanted pictures of yourself getting all cute and pregnant, but I am so glad you are taking them!! I love watching that baby grow!! I cannot wait to meet this sweet little girl!!

  5. That suit looks AWESOME on you!! You really do look fabulous.

  6. I looked like SHAMOO in my maternity suit! You look darling :)

  7. Yay! You're cuter than kittens! Coming from me you know that's cute!
