
Friday, May 29, 2009

Rockin' Father's Day Gift!

Ok, I try (or at one time, tried) to pride myself on being a good gift-giver. I really like getting someone a great gift and often like it better than getting, when we heard the baby's heartbeat last week at Dr. Polko's, on her hand-held heart monitor, I thought, "That's cool...wonder how much those are?" Well, I looked online, researched and found one of two that kept rising to the top...the Hi Bebe 200 (the other was a Sonictrax) and it was $115 (free shipping) at So, I used a gift card that some very sweet parents gave to me, threw in some $ I had been saving for a girlfriend's weekend in Myrtle Beach and voila...bought one for John for Father's Day.

As you well know, yesterday was pretty emotional for me because I was just about fed up with the injustices of the world, and frankly, was really worried something was wrong with baby. Even though her heart rate was fine at the hospital, I'd been a bit crampy and where I'd normally not worry, the accident makes me second-guess every little twinge. So, when miracle of all miracles, the monitor arrived on the front porch yesterday, I tore that baby open and went to town.

Unfortunately, all I could find was a heartbeat that was about 85-90 beats. Of course, I FREAK was 172 the other day. I called the doctor, but they were closed. I Googled and saw HR needed to be, I panicked...John called to let me know he was on his way home (he was in an airport in Indianapolis) and I just broke down....

"John, (sob, sob)...I got you (sob) a Father's Day gift and I used it and I think (sob, sob, sob) the baby's not well."

"What did you get?"

"(Sobbbbbb) A fetal heart Doppler...and the baby's heartbeat is only 80-90...(soooooooooobbbbbbb)"

"Lori. That is probably your heartbeat."


"Lori. It's Doppler. You'll hear it. Really. Just rest, I'll do it when I get home. I'm sure it's fine."

Well darn it all if my boy's not every bit as smart as I always swear he is. I Googled (again) and realized that indeed, you DO hear your heartbeat, and need to make sure you find the baby's, NOT YOURS. Duh. Perhaps that is why some medical practitioners prefer people not to have too much technology because they FREAK like me.

So...I Googled (AGAIN) for videos, filled my bladder a bit more, and 30 minutes later, found not only my heartbeat again (still 85-90) but baby's as well! The LCD rate display is not as great as I'd like but it was registering between 153-163 and I was JUST fine with that. WHEW!

So what does John (who called me a knucklehead) want to do the SECOND I come home? Look for baby's heartbeat. Which we heard, and measured to be between 159-168. So not only do we have some reassurance every now and then between doctor visits, I scored LEGENDARY on the Father's Day gift!

In other news, unfortunately, my car? Total loss. We'll be looking this weekend. Sigh.


  1. You narrate so well...I could totally envision ALL of that! So glad to hear everything is ok...good luck car shopping.

  2. May you have a smooth and happy pregnancy all through out. Anyway, here is a nice Father's Day idea you can put your mind to. Simply join the Dads and Grads Furniture Blog Contest and have a chance to win $500 worth of new furniture for the man of the house! Isn't that a good idea! Here is the link for more details,

    GOOD LUCK!!!
