
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Seriously? Maybe they can give ME a call first? goal is to continue blogging because I like having something remind me of things (and as age continues to creep and steal my memories, I need the reminding!) and it is sort of therapeutic. So, even if there is no riveting adoption news or fascinating IVF news (other than I have to go for ANOTHER stupid HSG on Monday and I soooooo love those), I think a good filler will just to find something funny and maybe make someone else laugh in the process. Here's today's:

Seriously...I'm thinking I have been going about this whole 'building the family thing' the wrong way. I just need to make friends with good old Joe and tell him the next time somebody gives him a call about one of those 'pesky diaper wearin' nuisances,' he needs to give me a call and I'll see what I can do about it.

As an added bonus, I now know to whom I should turn for those darned chimney caps. Man, they have totally been keeping me up late!!


  1. I cracked up at this..what a sign!! That is too funny!!

  2. LOL!!!
    Thank you for the laugh!
    It is good to retain your sense of humor, right?
