
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Friends, time is running out...

My dear, dear friend Jenny has been tirelessly campaigning for all she knows to REALLY understand the CPSIA laws that go into effect on February 10, 2009. CPSIA stands for Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, and though on the surface, intentions may look good, these laws will change life for MANY (if not all) of you who read this and/or live in this country. Please, take a minute to go to Jenny's site and see what's going on. Also, click on the cute bear button on my page and see what another really cool mom site has to say. These laws are going to do more than we think...and we can CERTAINLY protect our children while we also keep small businesses and stay-at-home working moms with income. As we've seen with our economy, a few things that happen to some can make a HUGE difference in what happens to all...don't let it get worse because you didn't know or take a few minutes to make a difference. I sure won't. I'm looking too forward to sweet little ETSY, Ella Bella Bowtique, With Sugar on Top, Ebay, (and LOTS more stores like this) baby things , consignment sale bargains, landfills being less used, people keeping jobs, and so forth. All I ask is that you click on a few links, read, and see what you feel compelled to do.

PS--John made it home last night! Hooray! Snow day today!! Hooray!! Mock Embryo Transfer on Friday!!! Hooray!!!


  1. Thanks for getting the word out. Jenny's site has lots of great info and ways to help amend the laws.

  2. Thanks, Lori, for letting your readers know about this crazy law! Here's a new link that's very informative:

  3. The only good thing that will come out of this if nothing changes is...maybe no more rodent jewelry? Thank you for sharing and I will pass Jenny's site on. Good luck with the mock transfer and with John coming home - YAY!

  4. I just caught up on your blog. I am so happy that IVF looks so great for you and John. You are at the top of my prayers that this will be the path that leads to you finally becoming the mommy that you already are. Two pink lines coming right up!

  5. Here is a link explaining the intent of the law and how they are trying to enact reasonable rules. It is not intended to put crafters and small folks out of business.
