
Monday, December 8, 2008

What can you do? some circumstance that I am going to call divine intervention (and leave it at that) lately I have been coming across things that have given me some direction, or at least I am hoping they are forms of direction for me. These are things, pieces of information, pieces of advice, what have you, that have certainly NOT just randomly come across my path and I am desperately trying to piece together to make sense of what I should be doing to build our family. In any event, something that was thrown at me today is something I feel may make a difference and hope if you have a few minutes, an envelope and stamp, you will use those things and take a step toward trying to help children find homes and people like me become parents. Whether you supported her or not, whether you support her or not, Hilary Clinton is our next Secretary of State. As such, she can be instrumental in influencing the attitude toward international adoption, specifically how other countries view adopting their children out to those of us in the United States. The following is a suggested template for a letter to Senator Clinton, encouraging her to stand up for those of us who are touched by adoption...and my guess is that if you are reading this, you ARE somehow touched by adoption.

Friends, many signs point to international adoption as becoming more and more a difficult thing to do...and this is neither good for those of us desperately trying to build families NOR those children--worldwide--who would so benefit from being part of those families we want to build. Please, if you feel so inclined, send a message. Lord knows lately I have been privileged to see the power of a few--imagine what else can be done!!!!

Hillary Clinton will be our next Secretary of State. She has been a strong advocate for children. She will be the head of the US Dept of State. The US Dept of State formulates policy on adoption. Let's make her a strong advocate for international adoption. Whether you are in the process of adopting, are an adoptive family or are considering adoption... write to her NOW. Say something along these lines, your own story, your own words...

Dear Honorable Senator Hillary Clinton,

Congratulations on your appointment to become Secretary of State. I am writing because I am touched by adoption. My family (or dear friend/family member) is (adopting or has adopted or wants to adopt or wants to adopt again)

This past year the world of adoption has become very difficult, to the detriment of orphans and families. Much change is for the good, to ensure that adoptions are done properly and legally, but the overall effect is that hundreds of orphans have been caste into limbo as bureaucracies become ensnared in red tape, multiple layers of oversight, and protracted negotiations with the US Dept of State.

The country we (or our friends/family member) (adopted from or want to adopt from or are waiting to adopt from) is currently ...

You are probably aware of the suspension of adoption in Guatemala and Vietnam, too, and the difficulties families adopting from other countries have faced. The most important consideration is the children. The children who wait for families live mostly in institutions, without adequate caregivers. Often these children could be home in loving arms rather than waiting in cold orphanages.

It will be so important to the adoption community to have your voice speak on behalf of orphaned children and to hear you take pride in the U.S. families who want to share their lives with these children. It may be hard for an "outsider" to understand how difficult and heart-wrenching it is to know that your child is waiting, for months, inside an institution without proper food or medical care, and to be informed that there is yet another bureaucratic "paperwork" delay.

If you would please consider us, and set a tone in your administration that advocates adoption it would be a bright light on the horizon for thousands of children.

As adoptive families (or friends/family members of), we (are or plan to be or know our friend/family member will be) loving parents and members of a world-wide community. We are "international" families. Please help us open doors for orphans who need families to come home. Your voice is very powerful and we appreciate your life-long commitment to children and families.

Senator Clinton's Washington, D.C. office address is below. If she gets a raft of letters, it will make an impression. Send a few photos, too, if appropriate for your family.
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
United States Senate
476 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4451
General Fax: (202) 228-0282


  1. Good idea! One more letter going out!

  2. I think this is a fabulous idea!


  3. Consider it done. Being proactive is certainly a great way to tackel this issue. Thank you for informing us all about how we can make a difference. "We the people...."

  4. I really to know how to spell the word tackle. Wow, that was a bad one. I did not spell check before I clicked!
