
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How warm will they be this winter?

Friends, I am heartbroken.

John Wright's site had a guest post. David and Jane said that the Kyrgyz government was going to cut electricity down to 8 hours a day this winter. They want everyone to convert to coal. PROBLEM: Coal is expensive. And getting more expensive by the day. PROBLEM: Those who don't (or can't) convert to coal suffer. Simple. John said that the orphanage in Tokmok will probably get everyone together at night so they stay warmer. How much that hurts my heart! What if my little Emma is there this winter? What if she is born (or is already?) and has to spend her time waiting until mommy and daddy are allowed to bring her home in the freezing cold, huddled, hoping that her caretakers (themselves probably just as cold) can figure a way out to keep them all warm enough to SURVIVE, much less be comfortable?

I can't write anymore. Please pray for the hearts of the government officials making those decisions to realize what they are doing.


  1. I have heard this was going to happen and I am so worried about my little man and all of the other babies in the orphanage. We will just have to pray everyday that God will take care of them until we bring them home.

  2. Lori,
    I have been following this very closely and spoke to Jayne and David about it while in Kyrg. It is very worrisome! My agency keeps assuring me that Bishkek Baby House has a generator. I am not comforted by this in the least. It takes fuel to run generators! Already the fuel costs are rising. And there will be more need and competition coming.
    There are lots of political issues that are building in Kyrg and the poor management of their hydroelectric power may be the straw the breaks the camel's back.
    In 2005 there was the Tulip Revolution. There were PAPs in Bishkek when it happened and they never felt in danger (from what I have read anyhow). There is much talk about the possibility that this mindset could be stirring again this winter. The "revolution" part does not scare me. The possible over throw of the government and new policies does. They have had 3 constitutions in as many years.
    I know this is ugly news, but it is a possible reality we and our agencies have to prepare for in whatever way we can. I know the NL and AA agencies are aware of these situations. I do not know how closely any of the other agencies watch.
    You can post this or delete it if you like. I have not gone into detail on the group because I do not want to be inflamatory and spread fear. It did not take much effort on my part to get educated on the realities of the Kyrgyz people's daily lives. And yes, there are great concerns about this winter.

  3. This is heartbreaking. I hadn't heard about that yet. Thanks for sharing. I will definitely be praying.

  4. oh my gosh... we will be praying also....
    just to share a little something that God spoke to my heart this summer... I was having a tough time with the waiting... and the fact of the possibility of my baby/babies being half-way around the world without me... and it was like God just spoke to my heart and reminded me that they were in the palm of his hand... and quite honestly that's a better place than my house.... I remind myself of that.... and wanted to share that with you... Rest in Jesus tonight... and know that your Emma is in our savior's nail scared hand..... and I can guarntee you it's warm there.... :-)
    He's taking care of her.... praying for you always... Lanetta

  5. That's so awful. Have you asked A about any of it? Is there anyone else at AA that we can talk to about anything our agency can do?

  6. I am thinking of you and of Emma tonight. Is there anything that can be donated to the orphanage such as blankets and warm sleepers etc...I am pulling at straws here, but I would be willing to gather some items. I know thinking of this is difficult for you. God does hear prayers.
