
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Still waiting...

Who would have thought that my waiting would be for my social worker to get back (from a well-deserved vacation) and FBI prints (even though we already had FBI clearance back in March) and our marriage license (which, again, was already in our possession but about to expire!) so that we could send our dossier in? Not me...but then again...that's been the path with which we've become familiar. So...I have to go back to school (ugh!) August 14. (I decided that I do NOT need to go to that workshop next week, why kill summer any more?) That means that I need to have EVERYTHING received, certified, authenticated, copied and on the way to AA by August 13. I am kind of frustrated because I thought that this would all be done by July 17 and the month delay sort of tosses me in the air, but as long as I can get it all done and on the way before school, I will breathe easier. I just spoke with Sharon at FBI customer service and she was SO kind...she said she would do her best to have our clearance cards back to us by Monday. I hope that we get our new marriage licenses by Monday or Tuesday and then I need to have them authenticated. depending on when I get them, I might take the trip to Richmond then--I couldn't go yesterday because I got stuck in the dentist office all morning and I figured I'd spend near $70 in my time and gas, might as well let someone else do it.

On the baby front...Nanci gave me some of the sweetest little baby things! I've divided all the things I have into sizes, figuring once we get a referral and size info, I can decide what will work and what becomes donations for the orphanage. We've also decided that we will buy baby furniture for Christmas. Again from Nanci's suggestion, I am decided on a convertible crib and am pretty overwhelmed with all the choices. I am going to have to just give John some parameters and let him pick. Lucky dog he is! Nanci and her husband closed on their MD house this am (sniff, sniff) and I watched their sweet little girl while they were at closing. We had such a good time! We played with the dogs, sang and danced, baked cookies...yep. I'm ready for that.


  1. Did you say cookies??? :-0 Your time will be here before you know it. School speeds everything up, doesn't it?? Unless you are a teacher, right? Still praying for a speedy referral for you!!

  2. I'm definitely praying that you get everything you need for the dossier SOON. I really want you right in line with me because it's so much more fun doing this together at exactly the same spot with you! I do think it's all going to work out and I'm feeling much more confident about that now than when we chatted earlier. My faith in this process just comes and goes unfortunately! Hang in there and I will too. And let me know if you're really gonna drive down here next week because I'll meet you for lunch! :)
